Director … Suzanne Chisholm
Writer … Michael Parfait

Ben X is about the autistic teenager, Ben, who loves video games to an extreme level. So much so he sees everything as a strategy, with him as a hero. He lives in his own world of monsters, trolls and victories and deaths.

The animation in Ben X was really good, as was the acting. I don’t know if I liked the plot in general, but there were a few scenes that had some awesome animation.

I didn’t like how the script made it so that you didn’t like the characters. I also didn’t like that there were no happy scenes and that everything made you feel depressed. I didn’t smile for a half hour after the movie! I think the idea of the movie was really cool but they didn’t pull it off.

All in all I didn’t think it was a great film at all, and I don’t recommend you to go and see it, unless you feel the need to be angry. Just kidding.

I gave this movie a 1 (from 1-5).