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BLOOD BROTHER about a young man named Rocky out of college who strives off to start his new life in India, to take care of the orphans diagnosed with HIV. The movie is based upon the power of love between rocky and the orphans. Everyday is a different battle, but rocky loves the children so much that theres nothing he won't do to help them survive! It becomes a fight to make sure the children are fed, clean, and healthy. Rocky risks his life to become the big brother they never had, he steps up in need and saves many children from the fate of death.

I loved the color during the film. Very lush, green, blue sky, dirt paths. I felt like I was in India! The acting... cannot be explained. There was not one time that I was not smiling, laughing, or crying. My whole perspective changed. People are dying because of this terrible sickness that they will face for the rest of their lives! The movie was so well put together that there was not one bit I did not understand. It made the movie so good and fluint. One of my favorite parts of the film was the emotion as well as the amazing traditional music that made the movie come to life.

Once scene I will never forget is when a little girl (spoiler alert) dies in her father's arms on the way to the hospital. I felt like trying to save her, to scream, and to beg! It was a very difficult scene but if you could watch it yourself you would understand the tension and regret. Its very tender and raw, you can't explain it till you have experienced it!

This film is something that will stay in my heart forever. A real page turner in my life and to whoever has not seen it, I feel it will have the same affect on them if they do! There are no boundaries to who can watch it and who can't. I would recommend to anyone who is over the age of 10, just because some of the scenes are hard to watch and difficult to take in all at once. My rating for the film is 5 out of 5. Magnificent, pulls at your heart, and makes you want more! Its the perfect combination of sweet and sour all at once.