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DISCONNECT Henry Alex Rubin is about people getting lost in the internet while trying to get closer together, but nothing turns out how they expect. Now they have to try to fix what hey started which doesn’t make anything better. One of the many stories is about a boy who thinks he’s found a friend through social networking, but ends up wrong. Another story is about a newscaster trying to save a teenager from having to work illegally. The other story lines are about a dad who doesn’t spend anytime with his son because he’s an online investigator and a family who lost all their money because of websites they visited.

There are many different storylines, but they do a perfect job of tying them all together and switching back and forth. They made it almost like a mystery, but you know who did it. Yet somehow Rubin plays out the movie not even close to how you would expect it to go. Near the end you think you know what’s going to happen, but then there’s a whole minute where everything’s in slow motion and you think everyone is going to end up in the hospital. It’s even funny in some parts even though the overall outcome is sad and depressing.

It’s really hard to like a sad and depressing movie, but it was still very good. There’s a really strong message set into this movie that most people won’t like, but it’s the truth. After this movie I asked myself, is the internet bringing people closer together, or farther apart? If you go and see this movie you’ll probably ask yourself the same question and whether or not you find the answer I think you’ll give this movie a 5/5.