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THE INVISIBLE STING about the starting of the game frisbee and all the types of style there are in it. Such as free styling, ultimate frisbee, and disk golf. It also features pro frisbee players and people that love collecting vintage discs. Some of the pros are even from Santa Barbara! The Invisible String is mainly about how frisbee is such a fun sport and how at first it started out pretty small but grew throughout the world and today people value it as an art or sport. Parts of the movie were filmed in America, Germany, Italy, and Japan all showing the audience professional disc players. Overall, The Invisible String teaches you the styles and the secret techniques of each dedicated player.

The Cinematography of the film was well shot and looked challenging in some parts. For example, a frisbee pro was backhanding it around a curved wall, it looked like it was a difficult shot to film and the frisbee was literally bending around the surface. That the specific scene really captivated me because each time the frisbee would turn, I would turn with it. It was a really magnificent part of the movie. The sound of the film was fine, the music supported the film with an interesting touch. The color of the filming and angles was interesting and was shot pretty good. On the technical side it looks like they used really expensive cameras including a crane to catch all the footage a high angle.

The most interesting scene in the film to me would probably be the vintage footage that they got there hands on because it shows a dog jumping up real high up in the air and catching a frisbee! There were a lot of awesome people in the movie but the standout performance goes to the japanese guy that free styles in parks. He’s really devoted to playing frisbee in his daily life, he’s a kind and funny person.

The invisible String was a great film! How did they ever get their hands on 70's and 80's vintage film of pro disc players?! I’d like to know! The film was very interesting about the art/sport of Frisbee. I enjoyed learning more and getting deeper into the personal lives of frisbee players! I rate it 4/5.