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KOLNOA SHORTS a program of three short films and they all are in Israel or Palestine. The three shorts were BARRIERS, WHEREVER YOU GO and THE OTHER SIDE. BARRIERS is about a checkpoint in Israel and they get a red alert from headquarters that they have to close it down because of a bomb threat and so they close it down then lots of obstacles come in there way. WHEREVER YOU GO is about the odd friendship that two women form in one day and they try to help each other putting aside their differences. THE OTHER SIDE is the story of how a soccer ball starts a friendship of two boys that have never met or seen each other because they are on either side of the Israel and Palestine wall.

In BARRIERS there is this one part that a bad thing happend and it goes quiet except for the music and it is very good use of it and the mood intended really comes across. The cinematography in WHEREVER YOU GO is very good because when there is a car chase the intensity comes through the fast moving cars as they swoosh by and the anxious look behind in the rearview mirror and seeing the other car and the intense music. Also in THE OTHER SIDE when the bombing alarm sounds and the look of tarrier that crosses every ones face, no one needs to tell you what the alarm is for you can tell by the peoples facial expressions of worry and fright.

The scene that stands out the most in my mind when I think about BARRIERS is the scene when (SPOILER ALERT) the suicide bomber bombs the checkpoint and one of the guards gets thrown back and his friends run to his side but he is dead. When I think about WHEREVER YOU GO the scene that stands out the most in my mind is the scene when the lady reached back into her car's backseat and feels inside the Israel ladys purse and find her gun, then gets really mad and speeds away from the Israeli women and leaves her there. My favorite scene from THE OTHER SIDE is the scene when the boys soccer ball first comes back over the wall and the boy is so ecstatic a huge smile goes across his face then he kicks it back over, then the ball comes back to him and they play pass and become friends even though they have never met and they are on either sides of the wall.

I recommend this program of short films to anyone who doesn't knows too much about Israel and Palestine and want to learn a little bit more. I recommend this set of shorts to ages 12 and up because they are all subtitles and go a little bit fast and you have to keep up with them. I rate this sequence of shorts 3.5 out of 5.