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KON-TIKI about a young Norwegian man who believes that South Americans could have been the first to sail to Polynesia on rafts and settle there 1,000 years ago. Thor Heyerdahl, the main character and captain of The Kon Tiki (a huge raft) and crew of capable misfits, build an identical balsa raft with a hut in the middle for the crew to sleep in and keep in contact with the government on their radio. When they first set sail, there was trouble, great white sharks almost eating up a couple of crew members, fear of the boat sinking, and the radio bubble floating away because of a bird pecking at the string and tearing it apart, and several other mishaps that were challenging along the way.They had predicted the journey would take around 100 days and nights to complete. On the 101st day a seagull was spotted flying overhead. They all knew what that meant: land close by! But they had not made it yet because there were razor sharp coral around the island known as Rarioa Atoll. They made up a plan of surfing a wave and smoothly going over the coral; they strapped themselves into anything that was sturdy, and out of nowhere a huge wave carried them up and over the coral...but then boom! the bottom of the boat had been hit! Thor was thrown out of the boat and into the water; he almost drowned because he didn’t know how to swim, but soon realized it was shallow! He could stand up! The whole crew slowly walked up on the beach and fell to their knees in victory... They had succeeded!

The cinematography in Kon Tiki is amazing with the color of day always looking so well done. The sound in the film is unbelievable, the music sets such a good tone for what’s going on in the film. Overall, the sound/music added more flavor to the film in an interesting way. On the technical side, the CGI looked realistic with the whale shark, great whites, and the huge waves. The color of the movie was well done, with the sun always glaring down on them, showing the setting of time the crew is.

Kon Tiki had so many scenes that stood out to me. For example, when they had made to Rarioa Atoll the island it shows Thor fall on his knees and the look in his eyes are so powerful that it tells you how happy and joyful he is that he succeeded by sailing across the ocean. Every actor/actress did a fantastic job performing their roles, they did so well. Pal Sverre Valheim Hagen who played Thor was such a good pick for Thor because he just really did his part well overall with his emotions and actions.

Kon Tiki was an inspiring true story that warms the heart for young and old alike! Beautifully shot and the CGI is magical! I was captivated throughout the film. I would recommend this movie to people that like adventure and to those who like thriller movies, and that like to cry and laugh. Overall fantastic film about believing in your dreams, and always looking on the bright side even if it seems impossible. 5/5