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...was another really big highlight from the festival. I enjoyed every second of this film because of its rich plot. It was non-stop with adventure and action. It was a Norwegian film about an explorer who wants to prove that the Tiki people could travel across the Pacific Ocean on an all-handmade wooden raft. He writes a book about the proof of it and tries to get it published. It was denied several times, in very harsh ways. All of the people said that it is not enough proof, after years of researching. One of the people said sarcastically that he should travel across the Pacific himself. He takes that completely seriously, so he recruits some people to come along, and they go on an epic adventure!

The cinematography was outstanding, getting amazing shots from above and below water. Also the CGI was amazing! There were sharks, whales fish that looked completely real. They did an amazing job editing this movie, with the angles, CGI, and format of the whole movie. This film really stood out to me with its digital effects!

Because this film was a true story, I think they casted the main character perfectly. If you looked up the explorer that this actor played in the film on Google, the explorer looks exactly like the actor! The actor did an amazing job playing an explorer as well. The scene when one of the people on board notices that his parrot was swallowed by a shark, he grabs the shark from the tale, swings it on board, and, out of anger, cuts the shark open after repeatedly stabbing it. It shows an angle from under the raft and all you see is blood leaking down into the Ocean, and it attracts more sharks. It was very exciting!

I would definitely give this movie a 5/5 review. It was action-packed, with an awesome script, awesome acting, and amazing CGI. It had a very rich plot, and every minute of the film was useful to the story. See this movie if you ever get the chance, it is definitely worth it!