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THE PUNK SYNDROME about middle-aged disabled men who are in a band. It takes you through many of their tours and parts of their lives. It is about all of their challenges and all the fun things they do. The film is interesting but hard to follow sometimes, it also shows a lot of the same kind of things. This film is kind of easy to fall asleep during but it can also be funny.

They do a great job showing the band practicing and the concerts. They show the concerts from inside the crowd, so you can see the back of someones head. They also switch to the bands perspective sometimes, so you can see the crowd. They also show how their disabilities affect their life and how some of them cope with that in beautiful ways, but you don’t always know what is happening, it is hard to follow. They also have head titles, but they don’t go too quickly.

There is one scene that seems out of place and very lost. It is beautiful though, it has lots of colors and lights. It is a political party that has nothing to do with the story, but it is connected by one of the people in the band. A few scenes before, the person who is connected to the politics, goes to a local political campaign and it is obviously very empowering for him.

This film was hard to follow, and doesn’t have much of a conclusion. It was hard to keep my eyes open during it, but it had some funny parts. The filming was done well, but overall, it wasn’t great. I give it a ⅗.