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RADIOMAN a documentary about overcoming and conquering challenges that life throws at you. This documentary follows the life of ex homeless man Radioman in New York, New York. Radioman always has his radio around his neck, that is only one of the things that makes Radioman, Radioman, something else that makes him so unique is that he rides his bike everywhere. Wherever Radioman is there is a movie set somewhere nearby, he is friends with lots of actors. They say the reason that so many actors are friends with him is because Radioman is so real and so childlike.

Throughout the film there is no music, it is all Radioman talking away. In the documentary there are lots of different types of filming there is following Radioman while he is riding his bike in the street, there are interviews with lots of famous actors, interviews with Radioman and clips of movies that Radioman was in.

One of the scenes that stand out in my mind the most is the scene when Radioman is in an interview and he is talking about (SPOILER ALERT) when he used to be a drunk homeless bum, and one day he was very drunk and he was on a movie set and he just started hooting and hollering and the police came and dragged him away he was yelling "No-- I know George Clooney!" and he started to name dropping all of the famous people and so the police thought he was crazy, and took him off to an insane asylum. Radioman stayed in the insane asylum for two months then when he got out he went cold turkey, no more alcohol. Now he is a great person and really is friends with lots famous people.

I really loved this movie a lot, it is very funny and very interesting, I never got bored! I think this movie is for ages 12 and up and a must see! I recommend this movie to you either if you are interested in homeless people and helping the homeless or if you love movies and movie stars. Rate 5/5!

Also see the interview with Radioman himself, after a screening of his documentary...