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...was a film about the cycling team from Rwanda. It follows the team throughout years, and how the team progresses throughout those years. It shows the problems and challenges the team had to go through, and it felt like you were a part of the team while you were watching. It was one of the best movies that played at the film festival this year. It wasn’t only a very entertaining story, but the film itself was extremely well done!

The layout of this film is also amazing, because its basically a timeline of the team and it follows the team throughout. The editing of the film was well done, and the video production was amazing. The director knew what he was doing and he did a very good job with not only finding this story, but with the layout, and the whole technical aspect of the film.

For me, in particular, there were no standout scenes. Since the people from Rwanda are so unique, it is so much different from my lifestyle, and that was very interesting. It was amazing to live in their shoes. It was so cool to see how the team started out, and they were no comparison to any other team, and by the end of the film, they were in the Olympics!

I highly recommend this film to anybody, even if they are not interested in biking. It is just an overall, great documentary, and I would give it a 5/5. I think that “Rising From Ashes” directed by T.C. Johnson deserved a 5/5 because the directing was great, the layout was great, the story was great, and the movie picked up the pace very quickly. If you have the opportunity to see this movie, see it!