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...was an inspiring, emotional, fun film about four girls who make a singing group called the Sapphires. They meet a guy who becomes their manager. They go to Vietnam to sing to the troops there. Then suddenly, they hear that they don’t have any troops to guard them. The oldest girl, Gail, is finally being nice to the manager, they see a firework and then it hits the ground and it turns out it’s a bomb! The manager gets Gail and her sister to the helicopter to save them but then realizes the other two girls are still out there. He goes back to find them, but gets shot in the process! All the girls turn out safe, and the manager lives. In the end, the manager marries Gail, and the girls keep performing.

The film is very well done. The actors are amazing. It’s based on a true story, and the actors really capture how it would be. It was like I was actually there. I felt all the emotions that the characters felt.

One of the scenes that I really liked was when, at the end, they do a ceremony for one of the girls, the one who got in a fight with Gail, to purify her soul so they wouldn’t have to go through that again. It’s really beautiful and sweet.

I would rate this movie five out of five (5/5) because the actors really captured the feel of the movie, what it’s supposed to be about and the emotion conveyed in it. It was really good.