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STORM SURFERS 3D Justin McMillan and Christopher Nelius is about two crazy big wave surfers that are trying to surf all the biggest waves in the best season. Tom Carroll and Ross Clark-Jones have been surfing since they were young, and now they’re joining up with whatever big wave surfers they can find in the area they’re at. They have their wet suits, jet skis, support boats, boards, back up boards, and cameras. Their “weatherman”, Ben Matson, is on the ride with them, seeking out the biggest swells and checking the wind. Their adventures take them to almost every side of Australia. They even surf what has never been surfed before.

There were so many amazing shots in this movie that made you feel like you were really surfing the 50-foot waves. Plus this movie is in 3D, which just adds to the excitement. In Storm Surfers they have great shots of surfing, informative interviews, and the friends just messing around. It makes you feel like the whole thing is that much realer, when you see three guys flying a remote controlled helicopter, letting their dog go after it, trying to bring it down with a homemade flamethrower, and then when it crashes, dropping everything to save it. You can really get a sense of the guys from it. You know that they are crazy, not only because they surf 50-foot waves, but as Ross describes in an interview, when you crash and go under, its like being in a nightclub, you don’t know where you are, its loud, its crazy, and you never want to leave.

Not many people can really relate to surfing massive waves, but they can relate to their normal lives because of how close you get to these guys. I gave this film a 5/5 because for me, this wasn’t the normal surf film. It wasn’t long and just a bunch of surfing, it was a bunch of guys having fun, doing crazy stuff, and surfing some of the biggest waves in the world.