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Green People

Richard Edelman and Mike Jackson

  • 5% of all people are willing to pay for a more eco-friendly environment, no matter the cost
  • Research shows that you must obviously show that your product is “green” in order for it to sell
  • In 2008 many more hybrids were sold due to the high gas tax
  • In the nest 10 years we will achieve more in fuel efficiency than we have in the past 100 years
  • 64% of Americans would pay for a greener life, but 38% if those people are only willing to pay $50 a month or less
  • The only cost that people will people will not cut corners for is organic food… body vs. good for the earth
  • He wants a higher gas tax to make people more gas conscious and to but hybrid cars, not as a money generator
  • He wants a gas tax that is around $4
  • 600,00 fuel efficient cars are now sitting unsold after the 2008 gas price peak
  • But, businesses need to know why there is a higher gas tax
  • He feels we need to convert moms and families to more fuel efficient vehicles
  • In 1990, people started moving to nice houses further away from their jobs, and bought big, comfy SUV’s.

What do you hope to see as far as behavioral changes when our generation is driving (about 5 years)? What about 10? 20?

What crisis do you feel is more urgent and should be addresses quicker: economy or environment? Which do you feel will have a more positive effect on America?

My Opinion:
I thought it was a great way to start off the ECO:nomics conference. I think what struck me as the most interesting part was hearing the contradicting opinions that these business people have. I do not really agree with the high tax approach due to the economic condition, but I believe that in the future this technique could be very useful.

What's First?

Bjørn Lomborg

What do you feel is more important to address in America: health, global warming, or education? What about the world?

My Opinion:
Bijørn made the very interesting point that we cannot fund everything, and we need to prioritize what it is we want to fund. He showed that we need to be informed about how much good each dollar is doing, and if it is less than a dollar worth of good, it is not worth it.

Building with Brains

William McDonough

Barack Obama has put 20 million dollars toward green buildings
Since then there has been a 10% increase in green building
The payback of building green happens in 2-7 years
It is estimated that in 5-10 years everyone will be using green materials
One way is to use a hacienda roof that cools
A challenge for making a green building is historic buildings, but they have found ways by using geothermal, solar, and other creative ideas
The average office space is 50ft2 per person in an office building
There is a middle eastern city called Duabi that is completely carbon-free

In the current recession, how can the average American make eco-friendly changes to their home?

You said that the city of Duabi has become completely carbon-free. To you think that is feasible for some cities in America can become this way?

My Opinion:
I was very intrigued by the original techniques he was using, and I would diffidently want to work in a building designed by Mr. McDonough.

Power Play

Michael Morris and Peter Darbee

Coal 4-5¢ per kilowatt hour in the USA
But, the average is 8¢ in CA
The average energy bill in CA per month is $74
The average in the USA is $92
More expensive, cleaner energy actually saves money
Distributive generation is where each house makes its own energy using solar, wind, and geothermal.
Would rather do this than build large plants
With hard economics, people can’t afford there own energy
Supply problem: if a nuclear reacter crashed, it would take 15 years for China to make and ship it
CA nuclear power is 3¢ per kilowatt hour
Clean coal: get energy from coal but do not release harmful gasses

My Opinion:
I thought it was fascinating to hear all about where my energy comes from and how we need to change our un-healthy ways of energy production.

Boone’s Bet

T. Boone Pickens

Has a plan to directly reduce foreign oil imports
Use natural gas as a transportation fuel
Natural gas is safer, cheaper, and more fair than foreign oil
We have 4% of the world, and yet we use 25% of foreign oil
Natural gas/ wind is very expensive
20 yrs: use natural gas and then slowly switch the a reusable energy source

My Opinion:
T. Boone Pickens is obviously very dedicated to his work and wants a definite change in energy imports. I agree with him, and think it is great that he is spending his heavy wealth on a positive change for the world.

The Big Picture

Today was amazing. I could not believe that I was in the same room as the people who will single-handedly change the world. I think it is especially important for us to be here because this world is going to be handed to us. We need to be informed and know what we are dealing with, and know how to continue to fix it later in our lives. I want to thank the ECO:nomics conference for letting us attend, and I know I will remember this for the rest of my life.