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Who’s in it?
Reverend Samuel Billy Kyles

The Basics:
The Witness was a very heart-touching detailed story of the last hour of Martin Luther King’s life, told from the very man who was standing next to him on the balcony, Reverend Samuel Billy Kyles. Reverend Samuel is the only man alive out of the three men that were in the room with MLK before his death.

The Good News:
I think the movie was great because it was a documentary about one of the greatest men who pushed for change in the world. It was sad, but in a good way, to see and remember what this man did for his people. He knew that his life was coming to an end because during his last speech he said “I’ve seen the mountain top and so will you, but we might not get there together”.

The Bad News:
There was really no bad news except that maybe the film could have been a little longer because it was such a great story.

The Bottom Line:
It was a wonderful movie. I rated it a 5. It has been the best movie I have seen so far.