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The Basics:
“Gnarly” is all you need to describe the movie. It was a tremendous film about a man who is still trying figure out his life. His name is Ram Jam or Randy. He was a famous hardcore wrestler who would do anything for the fans. One day he had a heart attack after a match and the doctors told him he was done with wrestling. since that was all he had left (he did not have a family or a wife) he goes out with a bang and jumps off the ring to win.

Good News:
Mickey Rourke was a great actor in this film. The Movie made you fill like you were actually there watching the match.

Bad News:
Very inappropriate for kids. I think that the movie should have been a little longer. Also the reconnection with his daughter should have taken a little longer.

Bottom Line:
Great film. I rated it a 4 out of 5.