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Reviewed by Lexi

Get Low is a funny and sad drama. It is about an old angry hermit who decides he is going to plan his own funeral, and if that's not enough, he wants to be at the funeral... alive! He plans a big party in honor of his funeral he wants people to come and tell stories that they know about him. His story own personal needs to get out and in order for that to happen. This movie is hard to describe. Felix feels fearful of what people will say about him. His fear is that people will not forgive him and he will not have anyone at his funeral. Everybody has to die some day and Felix (Robert Duvall) is just trying to tell his story befor he goes. Get Low is not only about a man planning his own funeral, it is also all of the steps in between. He finds new, unexpected friends in Frank (Bill Murray) the funeral home director, and his trusty employee, Buddy (Lucas Black), and Felix gets to know these people. This is a new experience for him since he has spent the last 40 years in solitude. This movie brings out all of your emotions: you will cry and you will laugh.

I loved this movie. It was so wonderful because it is not the kind of movie (or a typical story) that you see every day! It is a treat to see so many great actors in one film. I think that the most amazing part of this movie is Robert Duvall's acting! He played his part so well that it seemed like Felix was a real person, and that I was looking deeply into his life. It takes a great actor to make you feel as if the part they are playing is real.

I thought this movie was wonderful I would give it a 4.5/5!!!!