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My name is Jayden, and I am a 7th grader at SBMS and a Teen Press Reporter.

I wanted to be in Teen Press because I wanted to learn how to connect with people, and how to get them to tell their stories so that maybe a celebrity… or someone previously unknown by us, will get to say something that they have never said before, and maybe, if I am lucky I will have a new friend.

If I could visit anyone in the world I would I would visit Stephen Hawking because not only has he contributed so much to science, but he has done it without being able to move! He was given two years to live and yet he did not care what the world through at him, he persevered and was able to make so many important discoveries.

I know this is kind of cliché but I think my parents are my main heroes at the moment, the are so different and are both so successful in their own ways that I aspire to be like them and have the same qualities. a story that speaks to me is when I was competing in a math competition, and I got a higher place than someone in my school who had previously done better than me, I knew he was disappointed but afterwards he came up and patted me on the back and told me good job, to be able to that is amazing and I aspire to do the same.

A nation's culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people.
-Mahatma Gandhi

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