SBMS Teen Press team logo

I'm Sue, and here at SBMS I wear the hats of Admissions Assistant, Community Outreach Coordinator, and Mentor Teacher, as well as Teen Press Advisor.

I accompanied the team on the "Being the Future College Tour" in the fall of 2009, the “Special Edition @ South By Southwest” in spring of 2010, and Team 24's "The Power of Story" trip to Mountain Film Telluride in 2014.

I also joined Team 26 (and the film crew) in their journalism junket up to the Bay Area where the team interviewed tech and humanitarian entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley, as well as government officials in our state’s capital, in Sacramento. This was my fourth trip with the Teen Press as an Associate Producer and Advisor.

Sue Carmody serves as a Faculty Advisor on the Teen Press at SBMS.

You can find her bio here.

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