Hi, I’m Amanda, and I’m a seventh grader at the Santa Barbara Middle School.

One of my goals for this year is to gain more confidence, and become more social. That is the reason why I decided to join the Teen Press. I was previously in the stand-by crew for the Teen Press, and that is what gave me a chance to gain some knowledge on reporting, and interviewing. As part of the stand by crew, I attended the UniTea Ball, a dinner and dancing party to raise money for those who were affected by the Tea Fire. I am very excited to be a part of the Teen Press, and to interview famous people. I first heard about Teen Press at a meeting with all new students, whom were thinking about coming to Santa Barbara Middle School. I was shown pictures, videos, and newspaper articles about kids my age interviewing and reporting at special events with famous people. I could not believe the opportunities ahead of me.

I live with my Mom, Dad, and Dog, Bentley. I love Twilight, hiking, biking, iPods, TV, swimming, tennis, and volley ball.