The Teen Press wants reporters! We're looking for students who are motivated to get out and discover what's new, then work on the best way to tell the story to others. We'll be covering stories ranging from an early Santa Barbara International Film Festival celebration (the Kirk Douglas Award), events at the Lobero Theatre, the political process, and a trip to Las Vegas to cover INTERBIKE, the largest bicycle trade show in North America.

Teen Press Reporters are expected to research their stories, arrange for interviews (by calling and emailing prospective interviewees), ask questions, take notes and/or video, and then write stories and reviews, and edit video. It's WORK--but fun!

Our reporters are out in the public eye, so the highest standards of behavior are required.

If you're interested in being selected:
  • Check out some of the stories or reviews former teams have written about a movie, play or event,

  • Write a story or review of a movie, play, concert or event you've seen (you may improvise, and say, write about a book you've read, if you haven't attended an event recently), and

  • Email the file to John or David before we leave for the Orientation Trip tomorrow morning (aka, before 9 AM, August 28, 2008).

On Tuesday, September 2nd, look for your name on the electives class list for Teen Press, M-Th at 6th period!