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Hi my name is Deryn, and I am a seventh grader at SBMS.

I am very excited to be in Teen Press, and have a chance of a lifetime to meet and interview many interesting and amazing people.

I would describe myself as daring, determined, brave, creative and excitable person. I love to play soccer as a goalie, so I might want to interview Hope Solo or Mia Hamm. I also play lacrosse. I love to swim and go to the beach. I also enjoy biking. I have also been playing the violin for four years. I also enjoy drawing and doing art. I love to be outdoors in nature. I love animals, and my favorite is a bird, but I also like dogs and dolphins. My favorite color is purple. I like to eat pasta and Caeser salad. I also like Mexican and sea food. My favorite Mexican food is enchiladas, and I also like clam chowder. I live with my Mom (Julie), my Dad (Andy), and my twin sister (Amanda), who also is in 7th grade at SBMS.

I can not wait to do some interviews.