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Hi my name is Lily. I’m an eighth grader at Santa Babara Middle School.

Some of my favorite activities are playing tennis,going shopping, hanging out with my friends and surfing. I love being in water and I have been swimming since I was three years old.

I’m absolutely obsessed with Glee! If I could describe myself I would say that I am a funny, outgoing and extremely loving person. I love to spend time with animals, especially dogs. I also love to travel but I haven’t been to many places...yet! Some of my favorite restaurants are the Paradise Cafe, Cafe Stella and In-N-Out. I love spending time with all my family, especially my little cousins. I'm interested in Teen Press because I think that it will help me to break out of my nervous shell. This year I would love to meet celebrities and new people in our community. My dream interviews to do would definitely be Coldplay and Adele!