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Hi, my name is Ella. I’m a 8th grader at Santa Barbara Middle School.

I've always wanted to be in the SBMS Teen Press but never really had the guts to sign up. It sounds really fun to get to personally know a celebrity and understand our community better. My dream interview would be Coldplay or Bethany Hamilton. Santa Barbara Middle School is such a great place with so many great opportunities so I want to take as many as I can.

I am known as a really funny and fun-to-be around person. If I could describe myself in 3 words I would would say: HILARIOUS, OUTGOING and “BEACHY”. In my free time you will find me playing beach volleyball, inner tubing, or somewhere at the beach or in the ocean. I enjoy shopping, to veg at home, hang out with friends, and go to the beach. I have a puppy, Milo, and a cat, Sparky, who is my best friend. My favorite color is blue and almost everything I wear is blue. If you took me out to lunch I would beg to go to California Pizza Kitchen or Flavor of India because those are my favorites! :)