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Hi my name is Dia and I am in seventh grade here at Santa Barbara Middle School.

I wanted to be in the Santa Barbara Middle School Teen Press because I thought it would be an excellent way to get to know some well known people, and people that have accomplished things in life. A dream interview of mine would be to interview Daniel Radcliffe because I am such a huge fan of Harry Potter, and would love to meet him in person.

In my free time, love to dance, act, hang out with my friends and family, swim in the ocean, and write stories of my own. My favorite color is a light aqua blue or a dark ocean blue and my favorite animal is a pig. I have 2 wonderful dogs named Kaiya and Milo, 2 birds for which I don’t have names, and my family is in the process of getting 4 chickens. I have been traveling since I was just about born! My favorite places to travel are Israel and Italy. I love Santa Barbara Middle School!